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File Name Description
SonicKids.jpg Well, here's a picture I hope will get me onto the archive. It's the Sonic Kids, a request by Rick 2Tails Causey.
Musical.jpg Here are a couple of drawings of my own copywritten characters... "Karen Skates is on the left and Dustine Scott is on the right, those instruments are a harmonica and a fiddle.
Speed.jpg Here's a new picture that I used Prismacolors on. It turned out okay.
Christmas.jpg Here's a Christmas pic of my main character, Cooner, and of course Dustine is to the left there. These are both copywritten by me.

Snowboard.jpg Here is a snowboard pic once again featuring Cooner.
MaizyandMandy.jpg This is the second pic request from D Outsyder, featuring one of his characters and another co-copywritten one. I give you Maizy (Dylan Heil and Outsyder), and Mandy Outsyder.
MackyMarcy.jpg This pic is the first of two requests from D Outsyder, featuring his characters Macky and Marcy.
Trio.jpg This was a request by ColdX, and it features his character Mega Man ZX along with Sonic and Sally. Kind of a simple pic...
Sunset.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) This is of course a sunset picture, with Knuckles and Julie-Su. The first real job I did using correct lighting.
Erin-Na.jpgnewblue1.gif (733 bytes) A request pic from Erin-Na, a picture of herself. I think it's okay, and it's kinda simple.
